Friday Fiver – Five You's

1. Which movie character is most like you?
You know what? I’m not sure. I’m going to go with the chick from Miss Congeniality. I think I’m good at what I *do* but don’t necessarily have the confidence in *me*. Plus I look pretty crappy when I’m not done up 🙂

2. Which TV character is most like you?
I have no idea. Apparently I don’t watch enough TV.

3. Which literary character is most like you?
I’m going to go with Offred from A Handmaid’s Tale. Mostly because she takes her situation very calmly on the outside – she fits in and doesn’t do too much to arouse suspision… but she’s really a scheming rebel on the inside.

4. Which song describes you?
Ummmm… Bootylicious?

5. Which animal is most like you?
I’m like a tropical fish – the swim around their tanks making sure that every thing is the same, all freaking day long. They don’t adjust to sudden change very well, and they like regulated, scheduled life.
